You’re already taking the time to care for your smile every morning and every night, but are there additional steps you can be taking to support oral health during the day? Keep reading this article from our Orland Park dentists to learn more about what you can do…
After lunch…
Directly after lunch is a great time to add a quick oral hygiene break into your daily routine. Take the time to clear away any dental debris and plaque that has accumulated throughout the day. And give your smile a quick rinse to combat dry mouth. By the middle of the day you may find that your smile is feeling a little stale—you can take steps to combat this!
Every hour…
Make it a point to drink water and stay hydrated. If you are someone who struggles with hydration, you can even set a reminder on your phone or use a large water bottle to keep track of how much you are drinking. Staying hydrated is crucial to maintaining oral health; you want to empower your body to create as much smile-supporting saliva as possible.
By sticking to a schedule…
Be purposeful about when, and for how long, you are consuming acidic and sweet beverages. Did you know that the same amount of juice consumed over one half of an hour is actually less damaging to your smile than the same amount consumed over a three-hour period of time? This is because, by drinking your juice in a time-limited fashion, you are actually limiting the amount of time that oral bacteria have to use these drinks as fuel.
The conditions of your mouth are always changing, and the more that you’re able to stay hydrated and refreshed the better it is for your smile. Our Orland Park dentists are happy to give you additional information and guidance—just give us a call to get started!