Repairing your smile after dental damage may seem like an overwhelming or difficult prospect, but it doesn’t’ have to be. Our Orland Park dentists are here to ease your away, and help you get the care you need with minimal stress and anxiety.
Thanks to advancements in dental technology and treatments, it is now easier than ever before for patients to repair and rebuild their smiles in a timely fashion. Keep reading to learn more about some of the specifics of various treatment options.
Dental bonding: this treatment allows our team to improve the patient’s teeth with composite resin. The resin starts off as soft and malleable. Then, once we cure it, it hardens and bonds to the existing enamel. Because composite resin is custom shaded and shaped, it delivers exceptionally natural looking results, and all in just one dental appointment.
Customized restorations: when a tooth is diminished due to infection or injury, our team uses a crown to repair it, and rebuild the missing portion. These crowns are completely metal free, as they are crafted from porcelain. Porcelain, as a material, closely mimics the appearance of natural dental enamel, and is thus ideally suited for restorative dentistry. When we design your restoration, we’ll make sure that the shape, size, and color of it appropriate for your unique smile.
Root canal therapy: this treatment has a very specific purpose: to clear away the damaged and vulnerable material in compromised teeth. As part of this process, our dentist goes into the tooth and takes out nerves and tissues of the dental pulp. Once all of this is cleared away, we clean the remaining healthy dental structure, fill the tooth, and complete it with a restoration. This treatment can save teeth that would otherwise need to be pulled, or would fall out.
Dental implants: if you are suffering from tooth loss, dental implant technology can help you rebuild your smile. Every dental implant has a titanium root that extends into the jawbone tissue. This root bonds with the natural jawbone tissue, forming a stable and permanent foundation for the restoration that sits on top.
No matter what the current state of your smile, our Tinley Park dentists can help you get the restorative care, and, ultimately, the healthy and whole smile, that you need to smile confidently.