Learn More About How i-CAT Is Used In Dentistry From Our Orland Park Restorative Dentists

Written by Dr. Zaibak on Aug 20, 2024

I-CAT technology is one of the most exciting recent advancements in cosmetic and restorative dentistry. Our Orland Park dentists are proud to use i-CAT in our practice, in order to provide our patients with the highest quality and most convenient dentistry possible. Keep reading to learn more about what i-CAT does, and why it is so beneficial for dentists and patients.

I-CAT offers a more patient-friendly and useful alternative to traditional X-ray technology. I-CAT has applications in cosmetic dentistry, dental implant insertion, and orthodontic treatment.

One of the reasons that patients and dental practitioners alike prefer i-CAT is that i-CAT exposes the patient to much lower radiation levels than traditional X-rays. This technology provides a safer way for dentists to get a clear look at a patient’s smile.

When our dentists take a digital scan of your smile, we are able to see more and do more with this image compared to traditional X-rays:

  • We get a 3D image for a fully fleshed-out view of your facial structure, jaw bones, and teeth
  • The level of detail rendered in a digital image is far superior to that of conventional X-ray images
  • The images that we take can then be used with state-of-the-art software, so that we can pre-plan dental surgeries down to the smallest detail, zoom in, etc.

Thanks to i-CAT technology, our dental team is able to see how your smile is built down to the smallest detail. For young patients, we can anticipate orthodontic problems that might develop down the road. For sufferers of tooth loss, we can determine the best places along your jawline to place dental implant roots, and pre-plan your placement procedure with meticulous detail.

I-CAT is yet another innovative technology our Tinley Park dentists utilize to provide high-quality dental treatment. If you want to learn more about the technologies we use in general or i-CAT in particular, please feel free to contact our dental team by phone or through the Contact Us page on our website.