Orland Park Dentist Helps You Avoid The All Too Common Dental Cavity

Written by Dr. Zaibak on Oct 7, 2014

No one wants to suffer from a dental cavity, but sometimes it seems like these spots of decay can pop up without warning. Well, our Orland Park dentist wants to help you understand how cavities develop, so that you can take proactive steps to prevent these problems. Please keep reading to get more information.

How do cavities form?

Cavities form on the enamel surface when dental bacteria area able to take root and infect the dental matter. This may happen because a tooth is cracked or fractured, or because bacteria and acid wear away a whole in the enamel. Once the cavity has infected the enamel, it will bore through this dental layer until it reaches deeper surfaces of the tooth.

What can you do to discourage cavities?

The key to preventing cavities is to protect the strength of your dental enamel and minimize the amount of oral bacteria in your mouth. To achieve these goals, make sure to take all of these important dental health steps:

· Protect your teeth with an approved mouth guard when playing contact sports

· Talk to your dentist about protecting your teeth if you suffer from bruxism

· Brush your teeth as recommended by your dentist

· Floss at least once a day, or as recommended by your dentist

· Drink the recommended amount of water so that your body is able to produce enough bacteria neutralizing saliva

· Complete a professional dental cleaning every six months (or more frequently if your dentist deems it necessary). These cleanings are crucial for removing calcified plaque (which contains bacteria) from your dental surfaces

Our dental team is always here to give you more guidance on how to prevent dental decay, as well as how to treat existing decay. Please contact our Tinley Park dentist office when you are ready to move forward!