Totally Transform Your Smile With Help From Our Toluca Lake Cosmetic Dentists

Written by Dr. Zaibak on May 5, 2015

Sometimes, all it takes to improve the appearance of a patient’s smile is a cosmetic tweak or two. However, our Toluca Lake cosmetic dentists also see all kinds of patients who require more comprehensive treatment in order to transform their smiles.

We understand that all kinds of things can cause serious dental problems—both aesthetic and functional:

· Accident or injury

· Neglect of oral hygiene

· Genetic or hereditary dental problems

· Lifestyle choices—including tobacco use

· Lack of pediatric and general preventive dental care

When you come into our office, our dental team is automatically your partner in dental care. We are not here to (and frankly not interested in) judging you on what has happened in the past. We are focused on helping you move forward, by helping you discover your dream smile!

To that end we offer a wide range of highly effective treatments that—when used individually, or in combination—can take your smile to the next level.

Lighten your smile with:

· Professional whitening treatments

· Dental bonding

· Porcelain Lumineers

Straighten your teeth and/or close gaps in your smile with:

· Dental bonding

· Porcelain Lumineers

Refine jagged or uneven teeth by using:

· Dental enamel reshaping

· Dental bonding

· Porcelain Lumineers

Replace missing teeth with:

· Stand-alone dental implants

· Removable dentures

· Permanent, implant-stabilized dentures

· Dental bridges

Correct existing damage using:

· Tooth colored dental crowns

· Dental resin

· Root canal therapy

· Natural looking fillings

Our Toluca Lake dentists pride ourselves on being able to take your smile from dull to dazzling all in one office. The best way to find out how restorative and cosmetic treatments can help you is to contact our office for a personalized consultation. We will help you determine which dental treatments are designed to meet your specific needs.