When Is Root Canal Therapy Necessary? An Explanation From Our Orland Park Dentists

Written by Dr. Zaibak on Jul 28, 2015

Few dental treatments have the name recognition that “root canal therapy” has. However, despite root canal therapy’s notoriety, there are actually many widely believed misconceptions about this treatment floating around.

Our Orland Park root canal dentists are here to give you the information that you need about root canal treatment. We hope that after reading this short article you’ll feel more confident pursuing root canal therapy, if it is deemed necessary for your smile.

What is root canal therapy?

Root canal therapy is essentially a treatment that allows our dental team to go into an infected or damaged tooth, and restore it. A root canal becomes necessary when a patient’s tooth is damaged all the way down into the inner core of the tooth—into which the dental nerves extend.

During root canal treatment our dental team clears away all infected/damaged material in an effort to save the remaining healthy tooth. After this material is cleared away we are able to fill the inner dental cavity and place a restoration to keep the tooth functional.

What is it like to undergo root canal treatment?

Many of our dental patients report that undergoing root canal therapy is similar to having a normal filling! The benefits of modern dental treatments, as well as sedation treatments, have made it faster and easier than ever before to get the restorative treatments that you need.

If your dentist recommends root canal therapy for you, don’t panic. Remember, this treatment could actually save an otherwise severely damaged tooth! Root canal therapy may be able to help you prevent tooth loss, which can be more costly and emotionally draining.

Our Tinley Park root canal dentists are here to provide you with all of the information and guidance that you need. Call our dental team to get started on your way to a strong, healthy smile!