Take Your Teeth To The Next Level With Help From Our Tinley Park Cosmetic Dentists

Written by Dr. Zaibak on Dec 16, 2014

As the new year approaches, many people start to think about what they would like to improve in the next year. If the appearance of your smile has been plaguing you, then maybe a smile makeover should be one of your 2015 resolutions!

Our Tinley Park cosmetic dentist office provides many simple, effective, and accessible dental treatments that can dramatically improve the appearance of your smile. We have seen firsthand how much happier and confident patients can be after aesthetic dental care.

Whether you want to brighten the appearance of your smile, correct damaged teeth, or bring your smile into better alignment, we have dental treatments that can help you.

For example, patients who are looking to brighten dark stains and dull enamel might be interested in:

· Dentist directed professional teeth whitening

· Dental veneers

· Dental bonding

If it is time to straighten your smile, and/or eliminate visible gaps from between your teeth, you likewise have a number of effective treatment options from which to choose:

· Invisalign moves your natural teeth

· Lumineers and veneers make your smile look more seamless in just a few dental appointments

· Dental bonding is appropriate for patients who want to make minor adjustments to their smiles

Sometimes a patient requires cosmetic treatment because he or she has sustained dental damage in the past. Our dental team offers treatments that restore the function of the patient’s smile, while improving the appearance of the tooth as well. Treatments like dental bonding, veneers/Lumineers, and customized crowns can transform damaged teeth.

Don’t keep living with a smile that you don’t love—do something about it! Our Orland Park cosmetic dentist office can give you more information about any of these potential cosmetic treatments—and many others—just give us a call or contact us through our website.