Thinking About Invisalign? Our Tinley Park Invisalign Dentists Can Help

Written by Dr. Zaibak on Jun 12, 2018

A misaligned smile can put a damper on your dental aesthetics, as well as your oral health. Unfortunately, many people avoid seeking treatment for this issue, because they don’t want to deal with the hassle of metal braces. That’s where Invisalign comes in!

Our Tinley Park Invisalign dentists offer this treatment as a welcome alternative to traditional metal brackets and wires. Our patients love Invisalign because it delivers results without negatively impacting your day to day life.

So how does it work?

The purpose of Invisalign is to move your teeth into better alignment. With this treatment, you can close gaps between your teeth, straighten a crooked smile, and correct bite problems, like underbites, overbites, and crossbites.

In order to move your teeth, you’ll wear a series of aligners, keeping each aligner in place for about two to three weeks. You’ll want to wear your aligners for as many hours in the day as possible. Ideally, you’ll take them out only to eat and clean your smile.

Because these aligners are made of clear plastic resin, they allow your natural teeth to show through during the treatment process. This is a discreet way to undergo orthodontic treatment, which is why it is so popular among patients and busy professionals.

When you meet with our Orland Park Invisalign dentists, we’ll take a look at your smile, to determine whether you’re a good candidate for Invisalign. Because this treatment is so simple to use, many people can benefit from Invisalign.

When you are ready to learn more about cosmetic dentistry treatment, in general, and Invisalign, in particular, our Orland Park cosmetic dentists can help. You can always reach our team by giving us a call, or by using the Contact Us page to submit a question or comment. We look forward to speaking with you!