Three Tips From Our Orland Park Dentists To Update Your Oral Hygiene Routine

Written by Dr. Zaibak on Apr 2, 2019

Your at-home oral hygiene routine is designed to keep your smile as clean and healthy as possible between dental cleanings. Today our Orland Park dentists are going to be talking about some simple things that you can do to improve the efficacy of your dental hygiene routine. It’s easier than you think!

Take a look at your toothbrush

You may not be using the correct type of toothbrush for you, and you might not even know it. The first thing to ensure is that the head of your toothbrush is appropriately sized to reach your back teeth. Then, consider the type of bristle you’re using: bristles come in everything from soft to extra firm. Most patients will actually do well with a soft-bristled brush, as these bristles clean effectively without being too abrasive.

You can also talk to your dentist about whether an electric toothbrush is right for you.

Rinse with water throughout the day

Bacteria build-up on your smile and feed on sugars continuously throughout the day. The more that you can do to disrupt this cycle, the healthier your smile will be. One simple step that you can take is to rinse your smile with water during the day. This achieves two things at once: it clears away plaque and dental debris, and it prompts saliva production. Saliva is your body’s natural way of neutralizing bacteria.

Add a mouth rinse into your routine

Talk to your dental team about whether you could benefit from incorporating a mouth rinse into your daily oral hygiene plan. There are a number of formulations on the market, designed to do everything from freshen breath to whiten teeth. This is an easy addition to your daily dental cleaning that can make a big difference over time.

As always, if you have any questions for our Tinley Park dentists, we are here to help you. Call our office, or use the Contact Us page on our website to get started today!